
The ambiance, or in this case lack of ambiance, of the room in which students sat at the press club meeting aired a grim stench concerning the field of journalism.  

The interior designers perhaps attempted to strike a neutrality and deflect attention away from the drapes by leaving them dirty beige, pleated, and unsized, but instead they created two eye-catching corners of tackines, which surrounded a further cheesy felt backdrop to sit the journalists in front of while their feet dangled next to plastic fake planters!   Did it seem as if respect for the journalists was taken into account with the design of this room…definately not.  

The field of journalism is one constantly changing and evolving, and the building’s decoration should reflect this, such as in the same was as the building’s neighboring Newseum.  One feels as if in the interior a retro Navy boat, while one should feel as if they are in a modern architectural feat.  Windows should not be draped to block out the sun in the same way that journalists should not block out new mediums of their field while the print industry dies.  The sun’s light should shine through into these rooms, the backdrop should be demolished, and the fake plants should have never been inagurated to D.C.

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